OpenWGA 7.9 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features

Content Stores » Structure » Documents » Document types » Data documents » Content documents

Metadata fields of file attachments

Besides their binary data file attachments on content documents have the following metadata fields:
Name Data type Contents
created Date The creation time of the derivate
displayHeight String For images this returns the height of the displayed image in pixels, -1 for non-images
displayWidth Integer For images this returns the width of the displayed image in pixels, -1 for non-images
lastmodified String The last time this derivate was modified
md5Checksum String The MD5 checksum of this file attachments data. This is a hexadecimal string 32 characters long.
mimeType String The media type of this file derivate data
name String The file name of this file attachment, just like a file in a regular file system.
sha512Checksum String The SHA512 checksum of this file attachments data. This is a hexadecimal string 128 characters long.
size Integer The size of the attachment data in bytes
Besides this metadata each file derivate may have custom fields, which are key/value pairs just like items. By this any OpenWGA functionality like file annotators or derivate creators may add custom metadata to every derivate.