OpenWGA 7.9 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features
Content Stores » Structure » Documents » Document types » Data documentsContent documents
Type name
Content documents have some features that are unique among the documents of a content store.
First a content document may contain an unlimited number of file attachments. These are files that are attached to the content document just like attachments known from E-Mails. The files are referenced by their file name. There may be only one file of a name on the content document. Therefor they closely resemble items just that they contain binary data. However every file attachment besides its binary data has some metadata fields that are described in the subchapter Metadata fields of file attachments.
A content document also owns content relations. A content relation is a 1:1 connection between two content documents. A relation is "owned" by a "source" content document just like an item. It also contains a name to uniquely identify the relation. However unlike items a relation just points to another target content document. Relations always point to currently released content documents. If the target document of a relation gets archived and a new version of it gets published then the relation points to that new version.
Relations may be protected relations. This means that the relation target is protected from being deleted while it is targeted by such a relation.
Besides having a name content relations also have a relation group. The group is a string just like the relation name, stored on the relation. But unlike the relation name there may be multiple relations having the same group string. Relation groups can be used to reference multiple relations belonging to the same purpose. Therefor they are able to build 1:n connections from source to target documents.
Document key: "content/structentry.language.version" f.E. "content/"
Relations to other documents
language: Each content document is assigned a language definition defining the language of its contents.
Optional features
- Contains items
- Contains file attachments
- Contains content relations
Metadata fields
Name | Role | Data type | Contents |
author | Authorisation | String | The author of the current content document, i.e. the one that created the current version of it. |
browsertitle | String | Separate title to be displayed in the title bar of the browser via title tag in HTML HEAD | |
coauthors | Authorisation | List of String | Other users, groups and roles that should be considered authors of this document. |
contentclass | String | A string classifying the type of content document. This may further classify a content document beyond its content type. | |
created | Date | Date/time of creation of this document | |
description | String | Some arbitrary description of the document, not part of the content. | |
String | The E-Mail address of the author. This actually is not stored on the document but does a lookup of the authors E-Mail-Address on the current authentication source. | ||
ishiddenfrom | List of strings |
Flags determining in which WebTML navigational elements this document should be hidden.
keywords | List of strings | Keywords identifying the contents of this document. Meant to be used by some search functionality. | |
language | Access, Foreign | String | Code of the language definition in whose language the content of this document is formulated |
lastclient | String | Identification string of the last OpenWGA authoring client that was used to edit the document. | |
lastmodified | Date | Date/time of last modification of this document | |
linktarget | String | Controls the contents of the target attribute on an HTML link to this document. | |
owner | Authorisation | String | The owner of the current content document, i.e. normally the one that created the first version of it or a user that was set as owner later. The owner has authoring rights on the document. |
pastauthors | List of strings | Users that have saved this document in the past. The entries correspond to those in field "pasteditdates", i.e. list elements with the same index belong to the same saving event. | |
pasteditdates | List of dates | Date/times tthis document has been saved in the past. The entries correspond to those in field "pastauthors", i.e. list elements with the same index belong to the same saving event. | |
published | Date | Date/time at which the content document went into status "published". | |
readers | Authorisation | List of strings | Users, groups and roles allowed to see the document. An empty list means no restriction. |
revision | Integer | Counts the times that this document has been saved | |
searchscore | Float | A fraction between 0 and 1 identifying the relevance of the current document for the query that was used to retrieve it. Only filled if the document was retrieved by a query language supporting search scores. | |
status | String |
Workflow state of the document
structentry | Access, Foreign | Any primitive type, mostly string | Key of the struct entry to whom this content document is assigned |
title | String | The title of the content document | |
uniquename | Key | String | Name for this content document which must be unique among all content documents of the same language in this database and also all page unique names (stored on struct entries). May be empty to let the document have no unique name. This field is regarded deprecated and should be avoided in favor of the unique name on struct entries for future projects. |
validfrom | Date | Date/time since when the document may be visible. It will be invisible before this time. An empty field means no restriction. | |
validto | Date | Date/time until which the document may be visible. It will be invisible after this time. An empty field means no restriction. | |
version | Access | Integer | Version number of the content document. |
virtuallink | String | If filled makes this document a "virtual document" which itself is never displayed but points to a different resource. This field contains address information about this resource, whose syntax is dependent in field "virtuallinktype". | |
virtuallinktype | String |
Identifies the type of resource that a "virtual content document" points to and therefor determines the syntax of address information contained in field "virtuallink":
visible | Boolean | General visibility flag. True allows it to be visible if it is not hidden by some other functionality. False generally disallows publishing of it. | |
wfhistory | List of strings | History of the current document and its previous versions in workflow. The entries are human-readable descriptions of typical workflow events, creation of draft copies, approval levels, release and archiving. |