OpenWGA 7.9 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features
Design and development » Extending OpenWGA » OpenWGA java modulesCreating a java module
Not all module types are intended (or self-explanatory enough) to be implemented by third party developers. However the general procedure on creating an OpenWGA Java Module by yourself is the following
1. Setup an OpenWGA plugin project
OpenWGA java modules may only be distributed in OpenWGA plugins, no ordinary designs. Create a project in your OpenWGA developer studio of type "WGA Plugin Project". Associate it with a runtime project where you want to test your module.
2. Add Java capabilities to your project
By using the guide Writing Java in an OpenWGA project you should modify your project so that it may host Java code. Create the "java" folder to output the binary files inside the design of your plugin project.
3. Find the module type to implement in the module registry browser
Use the previous chapter Browsing the module registry to find the type of module to implement. You will need the data that is provided in the browser for your implementation.
4. Create a Java class implementing/extending the base implementation class
The registry browser identifies the the base interface/class which your module implementation must implement/extend. Create your class based on this. For many module types this base class is self-explanatory given that you know the purpose of the module type. So you should be able to write your own module based on this base class.
5. Create the module definition
Additionally to your module implementation class you need a module definition class by which you can register your module. The following chapter Module definitions will help you with that.