OpenWGA 7.8 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » query<tml:query highlight ="true | false">
Only valid for type="lucene". Activates or deactivates the highlighting of query results.
For Lucene queries it is possible to highlight the query terms automatically in the search results. For each user only one query can be highlighted at a time. Highlighting always refers to the last query of the user with highlight="true".
The highlighting of query terms is done by the output of the tag <tml:item> and can be controlled by the attributes "highlightprefix" and "highlightsuffix".
If highlighting of a specific query is not necessary anymore the query should be removed by calling "removeLuceneQuery()".
The highlighting of query terms is done by the output of the tag <tml:item> and can be controlled by the attributes "highlightprefix" and "highlightsuffix".
If highlighting of a specific query is not necessary anymore the query should be removed by calling "removeLuceneQuery()".
Default value:
<tml:query type="lucene" db="website" highlight="true">
<tml:item name="body"
highlightprefix="<span style='background-color:#FFFFCC'>"