OpenWGA 7.8 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags<tml:item>
Description :
Renders the value of the specified item or TML variable. The attribute "type" defines if the item is determined from the current content document, user profile or portlet. The default value for type is "content".
Derived from:
show inherited attributes ... | |||
Name | Value(s) | Purpose | |
aliases | alias1 | value1, alias2 | value2, ... |
Specifies aliases for item values which will be displayed instead of the original item value. |
aliasesitem | item name | tml-variable |
This is an alternative way to specify aliases for this item. The aliases will be specified by a list containing strings. Each entry specifies the alias and the corresponding item value delimited by "|". |
editor | text | textarea | textblock | number | rtf | date | file | upload | custom | Specifies the editor to use for the item in the OpenWGA Content Manager. | |
highlight | true | false |
Activates highlighting of query terms for this item. |
highlightprefix | HTML-code |
Specifies the HTML code to use as highlight prefix in highlighting Lucene full text query terms. |
highlightsuffix | HTML-code |
Specifies the HTML code to use as suffix in highlighting Lucene full text query terms. |
label | description | Specifies a description of the item to show when editing the document | |
name | item name | tml-variable | Specifies the name of the item or TML variable to render. | |
scriptlets | true | false | t | f | 1 | 0 |
Activates or deactivates scriptlet execution during item rendering. |
type | content | profile | portlet | tmlform |
Specifies the source of the item. |
xpath | xpath-expression |
Executes the given XPath expression on the item value. The <tml:item> tag will display the result of the XPath expression. The item value must contain valid XML data. |
<tml:item name="body"/>Renders the value of the content item with name "body" into the page.
<tml:item name="body" editor="rtf"/>Renders the value of the content item with name "body" into the page.
Specifies to use a RTF editor to edit the content with the content manager.