Apps and development tools - IG User Management


The OpenWGA plugin "IG User Management" provides a design for creating and managing custom user accounts inside an OpenWGA application. Applications using the plugin as design provider can be used as authentication sources for OpenWGA domains. It is usable on OpenWGA servers of version 6.0.2 or higher.

This guide will show how to get started with using the OpenWGA User Management on an OpenWGA server. Also some of the more advanced functionalties provided by this design will be explained. 

The guide assumes some basic understanding of OpenWGA authentication and authorisation. For an introduction into those techniques see the respective chapters in the OpenWGA concepts and features guide.

The plugin builds upon the Basic App Kit and may also be seen as an example how to utilize this kit for productive application designs. After installing the plugin on your server you may want to download the plugin file via OpenWGA admin client  (MenĂ¼ "Plugins > Plugin Management", then "Download plugin file" from the actions menu of the plugin )and unzip its contents to examine the design.

This plugin is the successor of the plugin "WGA User Management", an older design for the same purpose, which builds upon an outdated UI framework and should now be regarded deprecated.

This documentation reflects the state of the plugin since version 1.1 where the password change request functionality has been externalized into a separate plugijn "IG User Management Services". See Password change request for details.