OpenWGA 7.8 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags<tml:form>
Description :A WebTML form is the container for input fields, denoted by <tml:input>, where the user can input data. Upon any WebTML action call the form data will be transferred to the OpenWGA Server and can be processed there, for example in the form of TMLScript object TMLForm.
This is the WebTML pendant of the HTML tag <form> which will actually create an HTML form on the page output.. The form and its input fields provide many additional functionalities above normal HTML forms like automatic data binding, optional session persistence and validation.
show inherited attributes ... | |||
Name | Value(s) | Purpose | |
contentclass | content-class |
Defines the content class of content documents to be created with this form data |
cssclass | css-class | Determines the CSS class that controls the rendering of the HTML form in the browser. The content of this attribute is copied directly to the "class" attribute of the HTML form tag. | |
cssstyle | css-style |
Equivalent to the HTML attribute style. |
defaultaction | action-id |
Defines a WebTML action which is invoked when the WebTML form is submitted per normal browser submit. |
editable | false | true | Determines if form data is only displayed or if it can be edited. | |
html_attribute | html-value | Defines a custom HTML attribute that will be added to the generated HTML tag <form> | |
htmlinput | true | false | ignore |
Specifies if a WebTML form should accept a normal HTML input field. |
id | form-id | ID of the form. Mandatory attribute at tml:form. | |
maxuploadsize | megabytes |
Limits the maximum size of uploaded files |
mode | edit | readonly | view |
defines the display mode of the WebTML form |
onsubmit | JavaScript-code | Inserts the given JavaScript code to the event "onsubmit" of the HTML form. This will get executed before sending the form, for example to perform input validations. | |
persist | true | false | Marks a form as "persistent" | |
source | content | newcontent | profile | portlet | portletsessionvars | none | data source of form data | |
trim | true | false | Enables the trim feature on every contained <tml:input> |
<form methode=post" id="myform" action="URL of current page">... </form>
In the body of <tml:form> you can define <tml:input> tags to define input fields. These fields get automatically filled by the data of the data source of the form, depending on the attribute "source" . Or they are initialized empty and get their data from the OpenWGA user.
Different from HTML forms, WebTML forms will not always be saved if they were sent per submit to the server. Instead each submit, for example by a <tml:button>, may trigger a WebTML action that can do different things to the form, including - but not bound to - saving its data.
The following WebTML form contains one input field "name". Because of the "source" attribute the content of the form gets saved in the user profile when the default action "$store" gets triggered.
<tml:form source="profile" id="myform">
Name: <tml:input name="name"/>
<a href="<tml:url action="$store">">speichern</a>
A bigger example where the inputs also have validations, whose messages are displayed via a <tml:formmessages> tag. The methods of TMLScript object WGA.Validate are used to specify the validation rules.
<tml:action id="storeUserData">
if (!tmlform.validate()) { // Will test the validations and return true if any fails
// Some code to store the user data to some arbitrary database target
<tml:form id="userdata" source="none">
Your name:
<tml:input name="username" validation="WGA.Validate.isFilled()" message="Please input your username!"/>
Your date of birth:
<tml:input name="birthdate"
validation="WGA.Validate.isFilled() ~ WGA.Validate.isDateInPast()"
message="Please enter your date of birth ~ Your date of birth is most likely in the past!"
<tml:button clickaction="storeUserData">Store data</tml:button>