OpenWGA 7.7 - TMLScript reference

TMLPortlet "portlet"
Method :

setVar(name, value)

On object TMLPortlet "portlet"
Usage Sets a WebTML portlet variable
Description Portlet variables are WebTML variables that are only visible inside the portlet they were set for. Use them to avoid name collisions with variables of other portlets and therefor increase portlet modularity.

Besides this portlet variables behave the same way as normal WebTML variables. They are retrievable via this.item() (NOT portlet.item() which is exclusive for portlet items) and can be used as regular WebTML variables by all functionalities that use them, either in TMLScript or WebTML.
Parameters name (String):
Name of the variable

value (Object):
Value of the variable
Allowed in script types
  • WebTML pages and normal WebTML actions