OpenWGA 7.5 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » url<tml:url protocol ="http | https | ...">
Forces to generate the URL with the specified protocol.
Forces OpenWGA to generate the URL with the specified protocol.
If the protocol is already used in the current requests the URL will be generated relative or full qualified if the attribute absolute="true" is specified.
OpenWGA uses the default port of the specified protocol. For e.g. 80 on http and 443 on https. If other ports are necessary they can be specified by the publisher option 'DefaultPortPROTOCOL'.
If the protocol is already used in the current requests the URL will be generated relative or full qualified if the attribute absolute="true" is specified.
OpenWGA uses the default port of the specified protocol. For e.g. 80 on http and 443 on https. If other ports are necessary they can be specified by the publisher option 'DefaultPortPROTOCOL'.
Valid protocol names for e.g. http, https