OpenWGA 7.5 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags
In this part of the WebTML reference we describe all tags available in WebTML plus their attributes, taginfos and further information.
Table of contents:
- [All tags]
- [All condition tags]
- [All action calling tags]
- action
- areas
- between
- body
- button
- case
- caseelse
- children
- collection
- comment
- createpage
- createbutton
- disable
- element
- else
- elseif
- eventscript
- foreach
- form
- formmessages
- groupchange
- htmlhead
- if
- image
- img
- include
- inline
- innerlayout
- input
- item
- label
- languages
- level
- link
- metadata
- meta
- navigator
- option
- param
- parents
- path
- portlet
- query
- range
- script
- select
- siblings
- sitemap
- taginfo
- then
- url
- urlparam
- urlparameter
- validate
- warnings
- versions