OpenWGA 7.3 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features
Plugins » Creating plugins » Plugin usagesAs a web application directly
As we described earlier an installed plugin is actually a special form of an installed web application. Therefor it is of course possible to also use the plugin as web application, meaning: To access it directly via browser, work with it, store data in its content store. A plugin design striving for this usage case may just get programmed like any regular web application.
Some default plugins of OpenWGA have this usage type, like the OpenWGA content manager and the OpenWGA admin client.
Some configuration options in design configuration that may be set for that usage case:
- On tab Plugin Configuration:
- Check Usage checkbox "Published WGA Content Store". Without it your plugin will not be accessible as browser.
- Optionally choose an "Authentication source" for your plugin, if you want the browser users to login to your plugin application
- Optionally choose the "Personalisation mode" for the plugin application if you use personalisation/portlet functionalities
- You may also specify a "Plugin homepage", which is any partial URL to the plugin application, beginning after the database key part. If that is set then the plugin title in OpenWGA admin client, menu "Plugins / Plugin Management" will be a link leading to that URL.
- On tab Design Configuration
- Check if you need to set "Default access level" and/or "Anonymous access level" for your users to be able to actually access the plugin app without modifying its ACL
- Generally check all other settings which make sense for your web application, as all of them may apply.
Do not confuse this usage type with the usage as a design provider, described in the next chapter. The difference is, that a design provider gives its design to "real" OpenWGA web applications while in this usage case here the plugin itself is the web application.