OpenWGA 7.2 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » foreach<tml:foreach sourcetag ="tag-id">
Specifies the id of source tag for a iteration over content documents if type="content".
This attribute contains the id of the WebTML-tag which provides the content documents to iterate over with <tml:foreach>.
Is the attribute unset, the sourcetag will be stated automatically by a parent tag of type <tml:collection>.
Valid tags for use as sourcetag are:
Is the attribute unset, the sourcetag will be stated automatically by a parent tag of type <tml:collection>.
Valid tags for use as sourcetag are:
- <tml:collection>
- <tml:navigator> and all derived tag-types
- <tml:evaluate> and derived tag-types, if their tag result is a list of content documents