OpenWGA 7.2 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » foreach<tml:foreach onlypublished ="true | false">
Specifies if only published documents should be considered in the iteration.
Independent of the source of documents to iterate, this attribute can specify, if only published documents should be displayed.
Published documents are documents in a valid period of time(field "valid from" , "valid to") and documents which are not hidden in the navigation , search or sideman (field "Hide content in: ...").
This attribute is activated by default.
If inactive, all documents will be displayed independent from period of time and hiding options.
Published documents are documents in a valid period of time(field "valid from" , "valid to") and documents which are not hidden in the navigation , search or sideman (field "Hide content in: ...").
This attribute is activated by default.
If inactive, all documents will be displayed independent from period of time and hiding options.
The content of field "Reader" is not affected by this option. This options are always active.
Default value: