OpenWGA 7.10 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features
Administration » Features » Jobs » Task typesContent Store Validation
This task type is available only to the OpenWGA Enterprise Edition.
The Content Store Validation validates the data structure of one or more OpenWGA Content Stores. It finds invalid data structures, which may happen because of non-relational database systems or older content store versions' restrictions. Optionally it can try to correct these errors.
The following symptoms are detected by the validation and corrected the described wy:
- Invalid metadata field values: Write the default data to the field
- Pages that use nonexistent content types: Change the content type to the fallback content type configured on the job)
- Content documents that use nonexistent languages: Create the language definition
- Duplicate unique names: Remove the unique name of the older document
- Nonexistent default language: Create the language definition
- Multiple released content documents on one page and language: Archive the older document
- Content keys that are multiply assigned to content documents: Give the older document a new content key