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ElementImpl - Interface in de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils
Base interface, used to implement the functionality of a tml:element.
ElementImplContext - Class in de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils
The context of the tml runtime, provided to the methods of an element implementation to communicate with the runtime.
ElementImplContext(Map, TMLContext, de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.Element.Status) - Constructor for class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.ElementImplContext
Constructor of the context.
encode(String, Object) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.WGA
Encodes some text with a WebTML encoding This is the server API pendant of WebTML attribute encode.
end(ElementImplContext) - Method in interface de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.ElementImpl
Called, when the end tag of tml:element is rendered
enteredvalue(String) - Method in interface de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.tml.Form
Returns the unprocessed value of a field like the user entered it
entrySet() - Method in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.form.ProcessContext
equals(Object) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.Database
equals(Object) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.Design.DesignOccasion
equals(Object) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.Design
equals(Object) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.DesignContext
equals(Object) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.Domain
equals(Object) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.Server.ServerOccasion
equals(Object) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wgaservices.types.DatabaseInformation
equals(Object) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wgaservices.types.FormField
equals(Object) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wgaservices.types.Version
equals(Object) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModelHDBEvent
equals(Object) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.form.ProcessContext
EVENT_ON_CREATE - Static variable in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModel
EVENT_ON_SAVE - Static variable in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModel
EVENT_POST_CREATE - Static variable in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModel
EVENT_POST_DELETE - Static variable in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModel
EVENT_POST_MOVE_FROM - Static variable in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModel
EVENT_POST_MOVE_TO - Static variable in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModel
EVENT_POST_UPDATE - Static variable in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModel
EVENT_PRE_CREATE - Static variable in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModel
EVENT_PRE_DELETE - Static variable in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModel
EVENT_PRE_MOVE_FROM - Static variable in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModel
EVENT_PRE_MOVE_TO - Static variable in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModel
EVENT_PRE_UPDATE - Static variable in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModel
exclude(Context) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.CollectionResult
Creates a new CollectionResult omitting the given document
execute(JobContext) - Method in interface de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.scheduler.TaskImplementation
Method called to execute the tasks operations.
exportJsonData(JsonStructure) - Method in class de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.TMLScript
Converts Json data into the TMLScript form, ready to be injected to a script
extractVarParameters(String, WGACore) - Static method in class de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.URLBuilder
Reades var parameters from an encrypted var parameter value