OpenWGA 7.9 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features
Administration of an OpenWGA system is almost entirely done via OpenWGA admin client, a browser application reachable on every OpenWGA server under URL /admin. This is what it looks like:
On its first call on a newly installed OpenWGA runtime the OpenWGA admin client presents a wizard interface which will take you through the most important steps of setting up your system:
- Setup an administrator user: This is a username/password based login that you will need each time you enter some administrative tool. In OpenWGA admin client you can setup more administrative users once you have the first one for initial access.
- Connect to local database servers: In order to store content data you will need some database server. While OpenWGA already comes with one that suits most development and testing purposes you should use some separate database server product for productive use. The wizard will ease the process of making this server known to your OpenWGA runtime.
- Setup basic authentication: An important part of any WebCMS system is the ability to let users and authors log in via username and credentials to verify their identity. While OpenWGA supports a wide variety of authentication types the wizard will at first assist you in setting up a basic form of it that is backed by an XML file defining user logins.
After the wizard ran and the OpenWGA system has a basic setup you will need the administrator login to enter any adminstrative tool.
The administrative tasks available here should mostly be
straight-forward and self-explainatory while help documentation for many
available options is available inline in the client.
The OpenWGA admin client itself is an OpenWGA web application that is also built of WebTML and TMLScript. For cases where the WebTML runtime itself is in an invalid state and the admin client is also incapable of running there still exists the OpenWGA admin page under URL /wgadmin.jsp, which is the predecessor of the admin client from earlier WGA versions. As it only needs a JSP runtime to work it may be usable in cases where even the admin client can not.