OpenWGA 7.9 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features
Data sourcesCustom MySQL/HQLDB/... Database
This data source type enables you to embed data from custom relational databases in OpenWGA.
There are two flavors for embedding these types of databases:
The Custom ... Database (Query only) is a very simple implementation allowing basicly only to query the database with SQL and put out the resultset data. A JDBC driver of any version can be used with this type. It is to be preferred if the amount of data that should be retrieved per query is quite large and if the performance of those is too low with the "Enhanced access" type.
The Custom ... Database (Enhanced access) is another implementation which besides SQL querying also allows table browsing and creating/editing/deleting table rows via WGAPI. It's usage has the following requirements:
- A JDBC Driver of Version 3.0 needs to be used supporting updatable result sets with insert row
- Tables to be modified need to have a primary index which at maximum contains only one column with autogenerated values