OpenWGA 7.8 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » input<tml:input html_attribute ="html-value">
Specify the name of the HTML attribute to define after "html_" and its value as value of this attribute. Both will be passed on straightly to the generated HTML tag.
The HTML tag that receives the passthrough attribute is dependent on the type of this input:
- text | password | hidden | hashedpassword | file | number | date | boolean": The tag <input>
- textarea: The tag <textarea>
- select: The tag <select>
- checkbox | radio: All tags <input> that are generated. When using dynamic WebTML attribute syntax to calculate the value of the HTML attribute then WebTML injects the current checkbox/radio value, for which the attribute is rendered, as WebTML variable $O_VALUE to the script.
Note that these passthrough HTML attributes are put out as first attributes on the HTML tag, so they can theoretically overwrite those attributes that are generated by OpenWGA to define the tags basic functionality. While this is deliberately so to allow any custom modification it should be noted that using passthrough HTML attributes therefor may break the WebTML tags functionality.
Giving an input a title using passthrough attributes:
<tml:input type="text" name="username" html_title="The name of the user"/>