OpenWGA 7.8 - WebTML reference

WebTML tags


Description :
Should be used in the HTML HEAD area. Prints meta data and openWGA internal scripts needed form openWGA Browser Authoring Interface and other WebTML functionalities. 
Derived from: Attributes:
show inherited attributes ...
Name Value(s) Purpose
metaoutput true | false Controls if the meta data tag "keywords" and if necessary "refresh" should be displayed
scripts true | false Controls if the htmlhead.js javascript will be included or not.

The tag <tml:htmlhead/> has several functionalities:
  • it prints meta data of the current displayed content document, the meta data defines e.g. keywords with meta tag "keywords"
  • it provides WebTML functionalities, used by openWGA Browser Authoring Interface and other openWGA tags. Included are JavaScript variables and JavaScript functions for the Browser.
Tag normally given without attributes.

        <title>My Document</title>
        ... HTML-Code