OpenWGA 7.8 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » [All tags]<tml:[All tags] psessionvar ="variable-name">
Stores the result of the tag as WebTML portlet session variable
This surpresses the output of the tag result to the WebTML page. Instead the result is directly stored to the variable. No formattings or conversions take place.
A WebTML portlet session variable is a WebTML session variable that is only visible in the portlet where it was defined. It is stored on the browser session, therefor persists until the end of this session, but can only be retrieved and set when inside the original portlet. Like normale WebTML variables it can be read using <tml:item>.
A WebTML portlet session variable is a WebTML session variable that is only visible in the portlet where it was defined. It is stored on the browser session, therefor persists until the end of this session, but can only be retrieved and set when inside the original portlet. Like normale WebTML variables it can be read using <tml:item>.
Name of the variable