OpenWGA 7.8 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags<tml:[All condition tags]>
Description :
These are attributes for all tags, whose main purpose is to test conditions, like <tml:if>, <tml:elseif> and <tml:case>.
All these attributes documented here test some custom condition and determine if it is true or false. In case of true the condition is matched and the condition tag may perform its operations, normally the WebTML code that is contained in its body. Otherwise it is cancelled.
You can use multiple condition attributes in the same tag. Their conditions will be "AND"-combined, meaning the condition tag is canceled if only one condition fails, no matter what the other conditions return.
If you want to combine conditions in another way you should use a TMLScript expression for this in attribute condition. Most condition attributes documented here have pendants on the TMLContext object that you can use identically while combining them in a custom way.
Derived from:
All these attributes documented here test some custom condition and determine if it is true or false. In case of true the condition is matched and the condition tag may perform its operations, normally the WebTML code that is contained in its body. Otherwise it is cancelled.
You can use multiple condition attributes in the same tag. Their conditions will be "AND"-combined, meaning the condition tag is canceled if only one condition fails, no matter what the other conditions return.
If you want to combine conditions in another way you should use a TMLScript expression for this in attribute condition. Most condition attributes documented here have pendants on the TMLContext object that you can use identically while combining them in a custom way.
show inherited attributes ... | |||
Name | Value(s) | Purpose | |
condition | expression |
Tests a custom TMLScript expression |
doctype | contenttype | Tests if the content type of the context document matches the given content type name | |
haschildren | true | false | t | f | 0 | 1 |
Tests if the current context document has child documents |
hasgroups | group,group,... | Tests if the user is member of the given user groups | |
hasnextpage | tag-id | Tests if a paged iteration tag has a next page to the currently shown page | |
hasoptions | optionname,optionname,... | Returns true if all given WebTML options are available | |
haspreviouspage | tag-id |
Tests if a paged iteration tag has a previous page to the currently shown page |
hasprofile | true | false | Tests if the browser user currently has a personalisation profile | |
hasroles | role,role,... | Tests if the user has the given user roles | |
hasurlparameter | paramname | Tests if a URL parameter of the given name exists on the request URL | |
isanonymous | true | false | t | f | 0 | 1 | yes | no | y | n | Tests if the current user is anonymous, i.e. not logged in | |
isbrowserinterface | true | false | t | f | 0 | 1 | Tests if the current page is displayed in an authoring client like the OpenWGA content manager | |
iscontextvalid | true | false | t | f | 0 | 1 |
Tests if the context change done on attribute context succeeded |
iscurrentdocument | true | false | t | f | 0 | 1 |
Tests if the current context document is the main document of the request |
isdefined | item | variable |
Tests if an item or WebTML variable of the given name is defined |
iseditmode | true | false | t | f | 0 | 1 |
Tests if the current context document is displayed in edit mode by an authoring client like OpenWGA content manager |
isempty | item | variable |
Tests if the item or WebTML variable of the given name is "empty" |
isfalse | item | variable |
Tests if the value of the given item or WebTML variable is regarded "false" |
isfilled | item | variable |
Tests if the item or WebTMLvariable of the given name is "filled" |
isfirstloop | true | false | tag-id |
Tests if an iteration tag is in its first iteration |
islastloop | true | false | tag-id | Tests if an iteration tag is in its last iteration | |
isnewsession | true | false | t | f | 0 | 1 | Tests if the current request is the first request in a new browser session | |
isroot | true | false | t | f | 0 | 1 |
Tests if the current context document is a root document |
isselected | true | false | t | f | 0 | 1 |
Tests if the current context document is regarded "selected" |
istagidvalid | tag-id |
Tests if a WebTML tag of the given ID exists |
istrue | item | variable | Tests if the value of the given item or WebTML variable is regarded "true" | |
language | language-code |
Tests if the preferred language of the user matches the given language code |
portletmode | mode [, mode ...] |
Tests if the current WebTML portlet is in one of the given modes |
role | none | nav | sitemap | search |
Chooses a "navigation role" for conditions |