OpenWGA 7.6 - Guide for OpenWGA Content Manager
Custom drag&drop support for pages
WebTML pages may want to receive drag&drop events from content manager and react on them in a custom way.
In order to enable this support the page needs to create a clientside JavasScript object of the name WGA.ddhandler. This object needs two methods:
- WGA.ddhandler.notifyOver(type, dropObjects) - This method is called when the mouse pointer hovers over the page while a drag&drop operation is in progress. It should return "true" if the given drop objects are valid to be dropped, false otherwise.
- WGA.ddhandler.notifyDrop(type, dropObjects) - This method is called when the user actually drops something onto the page, meant to perform the actual action on drop.
The parameter type on these methods is a string identifying the type of droppable object:
- "doc-link" - A link to a page dragged from the site explorer
- "attachment" - A file attachment dragged from the "File attachments" or "Images" list on the content management panel
- "attachment-link" - Like "attachment", but the shift key is held, which may identify some alternate way of drop usage (typically creating a link)
The parameter dropObjects is an array containing a number of drop objects (in most cases only one). These objects represent the entity that is dragged&dropped and are simple JS data objects. Their data properties differ by the type of drop object:
- For type "doc-link"
- area: Name of the area from which the page originates
- bestContentKey: Key of a content document on this page which is the one that will be displayed when the page is chosen in site explorer
- contenttype: The content type of the page
- key: The struct key of the page
- title: The title of the page
- For types "attachment" and "attachment-link"
- name: Name of the file attachment
- primary: Either the string "primary" if this is the primary file attachment or an empty string
- size: Size of the attachment in bytes
- url: Relative URL to the attachment
The following is an example of a custom D&D handler on a WebTML page which calls different WebTML actions depending on the drop type and which disallows drop type "attachment":
WGA.ddhandler = {
notifyDrop: function(type, dropObjects){
if (type == "doc-link") {
WGA.ajax.action({action: '<tml:action ref="handleDocLink"/>', params: {key: dropObj[0].key}});
else if (type == "attachment-link") {
WGA.ajax.action({action: '<tml:action ref="handleAttachmentLink"/>', params: {key: dropObj[0].name}});
notifyOver: function(type, dropObj){
if (type == "doc-link") {
return true;
if (type == "attachment-link") {
return true;
return false;