OpenWGA 7.6 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features

Design and development » Design configuration

Tab "Advanced"

This tab hosts configurations for two advanced technologies, for custom publisher options and remote actions.


Publisher options allow you to predefine publishing settings for applications using this design that normally are set by the OpenWGA administrator when configuring the application. These are the options that are available on web application configuration in OpenWGA admin client under section "Publishing settings".

For a publisher option to predefine you first need to know its internal name. The OpenWGA admin client displays these internal names on the options choice list when it is in "expert mode" (enable checkbox to the top right). The option titles are then suffixed with their internal names in brackets:


The OpenWGA admin client showing publisher options with their internal names

To specify a custom publisher option for your design:

  • Click button "add" in the "Publisher options" section of the tab to add a new publisher option entry
  • Under "Name" specify the internal name of the publisher option to set
  • Under "Value" specify the value of the publisher option in string form.

Remote actions are TMLScript modules that are callable via WGA SOAP Web Services, a web service available on all OpenWGA servers. Here you can define which TMLScript modules of your design that should be remotely callable this way.

  • Click button "add" in the "Remote Actions" section of the tab to add a new remote action entry
  • Under "Action module" specify the name of the TMLScript module to be callable. Specify it as you would from WebTML: No suffix, no path up to the code type folder, divide directories by ":". See here.
  • Under "Minimum Access Level" you specify an access level that the remote user should at least have to be able to call this remote action.
  • Under "Callers" you may explicitly specify users, groups or roles comma-separated that are allowed to call this action. If this column is filled then all users not in this list are denied calling access to the remote action, no matter their access level.

The access restrictions specified here are exclusively effective when calling the TMLScript modules via remote action. They are not effective for other usages of the TMLScript modules like calling them as WebTML action directly from WebTML or TMLScript.