OpenWGA 7.6 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features

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File containers

Type name
File container (filecontainer)

File containers offer a storage for custom files in an OpenWGA design that can be accessed by all users that have access to the application.

A special file container named "system" is not meant to contain publishing files but is instead reserved to contain configurations and additional functionalities for the OpenWGA design. The files in this file container are not published via HTTP.

Access key: "name" f.E. "images"

Document key: "filecontainer/name" f.E. "filecontainer/images"
Relations to other documents
Optional features
  • Contains file attachments
Metadata fields
Name Role Data type Contents
created   Date Date/time of creation of this document
lastmodified   Date Date/time of last modification of this document
name Access String Name of the file container
pastauthors   List of strings Users that have saved this document in the past. The entries correspond to those in field "pasteditdates", i.e. list elements with the same index belong to the same saving event.
pasteditdates   List of dates Date/times tthis document has been saved in the past. The entries correspond to those in field "pastauthors", i.e. list elements with the same index belong to the same saving event.
revision   Integer Counts the times that this document has been saved