OpenWGA 7.6 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » item<tml:item aliases ="alias1 | value1, alias2 | value2, ...">
Specifies aliases for item values which will be displayed instead of the original item value.
Specifies aliases for item values which will be displayed instead of the original item value.
The alias and the corresponding item value must be delimited by "|". Multiple alias/value pairs can be separated by comma.
Item values which do not match any alias will not be displayed.
The alias and the corresponding item value must be delimited by "|". Multiple alias/value pairs can be separated by comma.
Item values which do not match any alias will not be displayed.
alias1|value1,alias2|value2, ...
<tml:item name="country" aliases="Germany|de,United Kingdom|uk,USA|us"/>This tag will render "Germany" if the item value is "de", "United Kingdom" if the item value is "uk" or "USA" if the item value is "us". All other item values will not be displayed.