OpenWGA 7.6 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » input<tml:input type="file" >
Provides an upload dialog for a file attachment.
Files which will be uploaded via the generated dialog are accessible by their name on the TMLForm object. Further the name of the file is stored in a form field specified by the attribute 'name' on the input tag.
By calling tmlform.attach() the uploaded file can be attached to the source document of the form.
By calling tmlform.attach() the uploaded file can be attached to the source document of the form.
The following example provides an upload dialog for an image. The uploaded images is attached to the document and displayed.
<tml:action id="save">
Please specify an image to upload here: <tml:input name="myImage" type="file"/><br>
<tml:button clickaction="save">upload</tml:button><br>
Image from document:
<tml:image item="myImage"/>