OpenWGA 7.6 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » input<tml:input optionsitem ="item-name">
This is an alternative way to specify options for this input. The attributes names an item or WebTML variable which contains a list defining the options to use. Each list element defines one option. You may specify option values only or option title and option value divided by a pipe symbol "|". If you do not specify titles you may also let them be calculated by attribute optionstitle.
If you want WebTML to automatically retrieve options for a HDBModel relation then you need to omit both attributes options and optionsitem.
A simple color selection box:
A more complex example with a selectbox showing all child documents of the current document:
_colors = createlist();
<tml:input name="color" type="select" optionsitem="_colors"/>
A more complex example with a selectbox showing all child documents of the current document:
var docs = content().getStructEntry().getChildEntries();
theOptions = createList();
for (var idx=0; idx < docs.size(); idx++) {
var doc = docs.get(idx);
theOptions.add(doc.getTitle() + "|" + doc.getStructKey());
<tml:input name="subdocs" type="select" optionsitem="theOptions"/>