OpenWGA 7.6 - TMLScript reference



Description This object represents an OpenWGA data source, a service to retrieve arbitrary content data without CMS features.
Retrieval WGA.dataSource()
Allowed in script types
  • WebTML pages and normal WebTML actions
  • Master actions
  • TMLScript tasks in jobs
  • Content type events
Inherits from object Database
Properties and methods
Name Purpose
accessLevel inherited Returns the access level that the current user has on this database
db() inherited Returns the WGAPI database object for the database
dbKey inherited Returns the database key of the database
domain() inherited Returns the Domain to which the database belongs
getPublisherOption(name) inherited Retrieves the value of a publisher option
isAnonymous() inherited Returns if the user in anonymously logged in to this database
isAuthor() inherited Returns if the user has at least access level AUTHOR on this database
isChiefEditor() inherited Returns if the user has at least access level CHIEFEDITOR on this database
isEditor() inherited Returns if the user has at least access level EDITOR on this database
isManager() inherited Returns if the user has access level MANAGER on this database
isOpen() inherited Returns if a session is open on this database
isReader() inherited Returns if the user has at least access level READER on this database
query(queryType, query, [attributes, [queryParams, [context]]])
query(query [,config])
Performs a query on the database