OpenWGA 7.6 - TMLScript reference
AppMethod :
managedGlobal(name, designLocator[, config])
On object | App |
Usage | Define a managed global for the specified Scope. |
Description |
This method typically is used inside the connect script of an App to define a "managed" global for this App usable inside all TMLScript blocks of the App under the specified name. The global is "managed" because the system decides when to create a new object. To do this managed globals have a "scope" that defines how often a new object is created by the system. In case of the default scope APP the global is created once for the App. in Case of CALL a new object is created for each request. Other scopes are SESSION, FORM and TMLPAGE. |
Parameters |
name (String) The name of the global designLocator (DesignLocator) Address to the TMLScript module used for this global config (Object - optional) Use this parameter to specify the "scope" of the global and other config options. The default scope is WGA.Scopes.APP. |
Examples |"Products", $.products, { scope: WGA.Scopes.APP }) This defines a global with name "Products" using the TMLScript code from scripts/tmlscript/products.tmlscript. |