OpenWGA 7.5 - WebTML reference

WebTML default actions



This action performs a user/password login to an OpenWGA domain.

It may take the login data either via WebTML params or from the submitted WebTML form. In the latter case it uses the following field names:

  • "user" or "username": The login username
  • "password" or "pwd": The login password
  • "domain" (optional): The OpenWGA domain to login to. Omit this to perform a login on the domain of the application currently in WebTML context.
  • "redirect" (optional): An URL to redirect to after a successful login
When the login fails there is no redirection performed and the WebTML variable "loginerror" is defined with value 1.

param1: The login username

param2: The login password

param3: The login domain

param4: An URL to redirect to after successful login