OpenWGA 7.5 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » [All condition tags]<tml:[All condition tags] isselected ="true | false | t | f | 0 | 1">
Tests if the current context document is regarded "selected"
This is a tool function to help building navigators which show some category documents. These often should be displayed in a special "selected mode" if the category document itself or some document in its child hierarchy is the main document of the request (i.e. it is addressed via URL), which is exactly what this attribute tests. It evaluates true if the current context document is such a category document.
Assuming the following page hierarchy:
- Root1
- Root2
- Child1
- Child2
- Grandchild1
- Grandchild2
- Child3
The attribute isselected will evaluate tot true for the following context documents when the document "Grandchild1" is the main document of the current request:
- Grandchild1
- Child2
- Root2
Not "selected" are:
- Grandchild2, it is a sibling of the main document
- Child1, Child3 und Root1. They stand on a higher hierarchy level than the main document but are no "direct ancestors", i.e Grandchild1 is not in their child hierarchy.