OpenWGA 7.5 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » [All condition tags]<tml:[All condition tags] islastloop ="true | false | tag-id">
Tests if an iteration tag is in its last iteration
Use this condition with <tml:foreach>
and its derived tags to determine if the tag is in its last iteration.
This only makes sense if the condition tag itself is contained in the
iteration code.
There are two ways of using this attribute. If the condition tag is contained in an single iteration tag that it wants to test it may just specify "true" or "false" in the "isfirstloop" attribute. WebTML will search for the nearest <tml:foreach> derivation up the tag hierarchy and test the condition there. You may also test for not being in the last iteration this way by specifying "false" as attribute value.
If the condition tag is contained in multiple iteration tags where it wants to query a specific one, you must specify the id of this tag. The attribut will evaluate to true if the tag is in its last iteration.
There are two ways of using this attribute. If the condition tag is contained in an single iteration tag that it wants to test it may just specify "true" or "false" in the "isfirstloop" attribute. WebTML will search for the nearest <tml:foreach> derivation up the tag hierarchy and test the condition there. You may also test for not being in the last iteration this way by specifying "false" as attribute value.
If the condition tag is contained in multiple iteration tags where it wants to query a specific one, you must specify the id of this tag. The attribut will evaluate to true if the tag is in its last iteration.
true: Test for the nearest iteration tag, evaluating to true if it is in its last iteration
false: Test for the nearest iteration tag, evaluating to true if it is NOT in its last iteration
Tag-ID: Test the iteration tag with the given id, evaluating to true if it is in its last iteration
false: Test for the nearest iteration tag, evaluating to true if it is NOT in its last iteration
Tag-ID: Test the iteration tag with the given id, evaluating to true if it is in its last iteration