OpenWGA 7.5 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » [All condition tags]<tml:[All condition tags] isfilled ="item | variable">
Tests if the item or WebTMLvariable of the given name is "filled"
This attribute tests for all types of WebTML variables visible to the
current code and for the items on the current context document. The attribute regards items/variables as filled that the counterpart attribute isempty would not regard empty.
A special behaviour makes this attribute more than a mere negation of isempty. Its main purpose is to hide WebTML code if a certain item is not filled. Mostly this is code that would display the item via <tml:item> and maybe has a surrounding format and label, that should be displayed when the item is filled and hidden if it is not. But there is a problem with this approach as the <tml:item> tag is also needed to provide an editor for the item in OpenWGA Content Manager. If this tag is always hidden when the item is not filled there would be no way to fill it in the first place.
Because of this the attribute isfilled has a special behaviour which lets it always return "true" when the WebTML page is rendered inside an authoring client. That way empty items and their surrounding code are always available in Content Manager while they are hidden in normal publishing.
A special behaviour makes this attribute more than a mere negation of isempty. Its main purpose is to hide WebTML code if a certain item is not filled. Mostly this is code that would display the item via <tml:item> and maybe has a surrounding format and label, that should be displayed when the item is filled and hidden if it is not. But there is a problem with this approach as the <tml:item> tag is also needed to provide an editor for the item in OpenWGA Content Manager. If this tag is always hidden when the item is not filled there would be no way to fill it in the first place.
Because of this the attribute isfilled has a special behaviour which lets it always return "true" when the WebTML page is rendered inside an authoring client. That way empty items and their surrounding code are always available in Content Manager while they are hidden in normal publishing.
Name of an item or WebTML variable