OpenWGA 7.5 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » [All action calling tags]<tml:[All action calling tags] portletcontext ="context-expression">
Determines a context to set for the current WebTML portlet after action execution
This attribute takes the same context expressions known from the context attribute and executes them the same way.
The WebTML portlet will be rendered in the given context until the portlet context is changed. Specify special context expression "none" to clear the portlet context and let the portlet render again in the context that is given to it from its parent tag.
If you use the "portletmode" attribute without specifying an action WebTML will automatically assume action "$refresh".
If you use the "portletmode" attribute on <tml:url> without specifying the URL type WebTML will automaticall assume type="action".
A context expression