OpenWGA 7.5 - Query languages reference

hql / fullhql

Object "structEntry"

Represents a struct entry, retrievable in HQL via property content.structentry.
Property Type of contents Contents
area Object of type "area" Are of the current struct entry. Only retrievable on root pages
childeditors[index] List of text elements indexed by number Users, groups or roles allowed to edit child struct entries and their contents unless their rights are changed on a lower struct entry
childentries[structkey] List of objects of type "structEntry" indexed by their key Child entries of the current page
contenttype Object of type "contentType" The content type of the page
created Date Date and time of creation
key Text Key of the struct entry
lastmodified Datum Date and time of last modification
pageeditors[index] List of text elements indexed by number Users, groups or roles allowed to edit the struct entry and its contents
parententry Object of type "structEntry" The parent struct entry of the page if the page is not at root
position Number Sorting value for ordering this struct entry in the list of siblings
published['language'] List of dates, indexed by language codes Date/times where the page first went into status "published" on the given language (only WGA content stores of version 5 or higher)
readers[0..n] List of text elements indexed by number Users, groups and roles allowed to read content on this page and subpages
title Text Title of the page (used only for authoring clients when there are no released content documents)
uniquename String The unique name of the page (only WGA content stores of version 5 or higher)