OpenWGA 7.4 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features

Content Stores » Structure » Other data

File derivates

File derivates are derivate versions of the file attachments stored on content documents, created for various purposes. An example are scaled-down versions of images. These are very similar to regular file attachments as they contain the binary data of a file, together with some metadata.

While a single file derivate is connected to an actual file attachment on a content document it is not actually part of the content document. They are stored separately on database level. Creating and updating a file derivate for a file attachment does not touch the metadata of that file attachment and its document, like its "lastmodified" field.

A file derivate has the following metadata:

Name Data type Contents
created Date The creation time of the derivate
creator String The class name of the derivate creator
displayHeight String For images this returns the height of the displayed image in pixels, -1 for non-images
displayWidth Integer For images this returns the width of the displayed image in pixels, -1 for non-images
id String A string identifier unique for each file derivate of a content store
lastmodified String The last time this derivate was modified
md5Checksum String The MD5 checksum of this file derivates data. This is a hexadecimal string 32 characters long.
mimeType String The media type of this file derivate data
name String A name given to this file derivate from the derivate creator, identifying the derivate type for the creator
sha512Checksum String The SHA512 checksum of this file derivates data. This is a hexadecimal string 128 characters long.
size Integer The size of the derivate data in bytes
usage String A string identifying the usage type of this file derivate
Besides this metadata each file derivate may have custom fields, which are key/value pairs just like items. By this any OpenWGA functionality like file annotators or derivate creators may add custom metadata to every derivate.