OpenWGA 7.4 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » navigator<tml:navigator type ="children | siblings | parents |path | sitemap | languages | areas">
children - Iterates over the first level child documents of the current document.
language - Iterates over all language versions of the current document.
parents - Iterates over the sibling documents from the parent of the current document.
path - Iterates over the hierarchy path of the current documents. For e.g. root -> child level 1 -> child level 2 -> current doc
relationGroupTargets - Iterates over the targets of all relations of a relation group on the current context document. Specify the relation group via attribute relationgroup.
sitemap - Iterates over all documents of the current area or of the whole database depending on the value of attribute "allareas".
sourcesOfIncomingRelations - Iterates over the contents whose relations point to the current context document. Use attribute contentclass to only retrieve contents of a special content class. Use attribute relation to only return contents whose relations of a given name point to the current context document.
sourcesOfIncomingRelationGroups - Iterates over the contents having a relation group where one relation points to the current context document. Use attribute contentclass to only retrieve contents of a special content class. Use attribute relationgroup to only return contents whose relation group of a given name point to the current context document.
versions - Iterates over all versions of the current document in the current language. The result is unsorted. The attribute "onlypublished" is automatically set to "false".