OpenWGA 7.4 - WebTML reference

WebTML tags


Description :
Used inside of tml:foreach. Monitors the value of a term during a iteration. Does the value change during a iteration, the body of the tag will be displayed. Useful for group changes inside a list iteration.
Derived from: Only available in the following parent tags: Attributes:
show inherited attributes ...
Name Value(s) Purpose
expression groupexpression The result of this expression is the base for the group change.
expressionlanguage tmlscript | native Determines the expression language, quoted in the attribute "expression".
id tag-id The use of the attribute "id" (available for all tags) is obligatory for group change.
xplanguage tmlscript | native Identical to expressionlanguage.

Tag-Infos :
currentvalue: The current value of group change expression



    <tml:query id="formulaquery" type="formula">_Type = "Article" </tml:query>
    <tml:foreach sortorder="descending" sortexpression="_date">
      <tml:groupchange id="groupchange" expression="_date">
        <b><tml:taginfo sourcetag="groupchange" name="currentValue" /></b>

      <tml:metadata name="Title"/>
      <tml:item name="_ShortStory"/>