OpenWGA 7.4 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » [All tags]<tml:[All tags] format ="format-expression">
Formats a number or date result
This attribute will only work if the tag output is a number or a date. In that case you can specify the format in which you want this data to be displayed on the page. You specify this format in a special syntax described under "Values".
The formatting done by this attribute is done before any encode-Processing.
The formatting done by this attribute is done before any encode-Processing.
There are two types of formatting expressions.
Simple formatting expressions are available to OpenWGA to have commonly used, localized versions of date and number display, that adapt to the preferred language of the browser user. Specify the following names:
Custom formatting expressions are composed from multiple single characters, which represent date/time/number entities, into a custom format. Use the following entity characters:
Simple formatting expressions are available to OpenWGA to have commonly used, localized versions of date and number display, that adapt to the preferred language of the browser user. Specify the following names:
- decimal: A generic, localized number format, like "1,234.56" (en)
- shortDate, shortTime, shortDateTime: A completely numeric date/time format, like "4/26/10 4:06 PM" (en)
- mediumDate, mediumTime, mediumDateTime: A date/time format with shortened month names like " Apr 26, 2010 4:07:42 PM" (en)
- longDate, longTime, longDateTime: A long date/time format with full month names and time zone, like "April 26, 2010 4:08:48 PM CEST" (en)
- fullDate, fullTime, fullDateTime: A complete date/time format including seconds, "Monday, April 26, 2010 4:10:26 PM CEST" (en)
- iso8601 A standarized, language-independent date format, optimized for being read by software and used frequently for date literals in JavaScript/JSON: "2013-08-30T07:40:41Z"
Custom formatting expressions are composed from multiple single characters, which represent date/time/number entities, into a custom format. Use the following entity characters:
For number values:
Symbol Location Localized? Meaning 0 Number Yes Digit # Number Yes Digit, zero shows as absent . Number Yes Decimal separator or monetary decimal separator - Number Yes Minus sign , Number Yes Grouping separator E Number Yes Separates mantissa and exponent in scientific notation. Need not be quoted in prefix or suffix. ; Subpattern boundary Yes Separates positive and negative subpatterns % Prefix or suffix Yes Multiply by 100 and show as percentage \u2030 Prefix or suffix Yes Multiply by 1000 and show as per mille ยค (\u00A4) Prefix or suffix No Currency sign, replaced by currency symbol. If doubled, replaced by international currency symbol. If present in a pattern, the monetary decimal separator is used instead of the decimal separator. ' Prefix or suffix No Used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix, for example, "'#'#" formats 123 to "#123". To create a single quote itself, use two in a row: "# o''clock".
Note that the point "." is always used as decimal separator in syntax expressions, just as the comma "," is always used as grouping separator.The characters used on output might actually be vice versa (as it is common on some locales, like "de"). So a "." in the syntax expression may actually be put out as a "," if the current user locale determines it as decimal separator.
For date values:
This is the syntax used by the Java date and number formatting classes java.text.SimpleDateFormat and java.text.DecimalFormat, which are internally used by OpenWGA. You find a more comprehensive documentation on the linked Javadoc of both classes.
Letter Date or Time Component Presentation Examples G Era designator Text AD y Year Year 1996; 96 M Month in year Month July; Jul; 07 w Week in year Number 27 W Week in month Number 2 D Day in year Number 189 d Day in month Number 10 F Day of week in month Number 2 E Day in week Text Tuesday; Tue a Am/pm marker Text PM H Hour in day (0-23) Number 0 k Hour in day (1-24) Number 24 K Hour in am/pm (0-11) Number 0 h Hour in am/pm (1-12) Number 12 m Minute in hour Number 30 s Second in minute Number 55 S Millisecond Number 978 z Time zone General time zone Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00 Z Time zone RFC 822 time zone -0800
Using simple formatting expressions for output of dates and numbers:
Composing custom format expressions for dates and numbers:
<tml:meta name="created" format="shortDate"/>
<tml:script expression="1234.56" format="decimal"/>
Composing custom format expressions for dates and numbers:
<tml:meta name="created" format="dd.MM.yyyy"/> // Puts out just date, month and year numericly
<tml:script expression="1234" format="#,##0.00"/> // Puts out 1,234.00