OpenWGA 7.3 - Updating to OpenWGA 7.3
Doing the updateInstallations from the debian linux repository
This is the installation type which is the simplest to upgrade. In a console simply issue the following commands under superuser rights:
apt-get update
apt-get install openwga7.3-ce
Or, if you are a customer of the womodo CMS (OpenWGA enterprise edition):
apt-get update
apt-get install womodo7.3
The first command will fetch most up-to-date packages available on debian repositories.
The second command will install the new version OpenWGA 7.3. This will automatically fetch the new version, shutdown OpenWGA server, replace the OpenWGA server version and start the server again.
Sometimes OpenWGA takes too long to shutdown so the upgrade will not be able to start the server again after doing the upgrade. You can see this from the console output of the "apt-get upgrade" command. If it does not say that it successfully started OpenWGA server again you should do so manually by issuing command "/etc/init.d/openwga start", still under superuser rights.