OpenWGA 7.3 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features
Design and development » Design configuration » Advanced featuresSpecify initial datasets
If your design or plugin has a special dataset where its content store should be initialized with you can deposit it as a content store dump in the system file container under "/files/system". OpenWGA will import the content store dump to the content store of your application or plugin when it is empty (i.e. has no website areas, content types and language definitions).
This is one way of initializing your content store which is especially suitable when you need a huge dataset to be created, including already existing content documents. Other ways that suit other situations are specifying a schema or creating the needed resources in an initialisation script (see Tab "Design Configuration").
An OpenWGA content store dump is a file of suffix ".wgacs". You can create a dump on the OpenWGA admin client from the data of any existing OpenWGA web application when in "Expert Mode" (Checkbox to the top right). You will find a menu "Database" on the "Contentstore configuration" section of each web app where you can "Export" a database dump that will contain all schema and content of this application:
The dump file then should be stored to the subfolder "/files/system" of your design under one of the following names:
- init.wgacs: This is a normal initial dataset that is used for OpenWGA applications using this design and also for plugins if no special dataset for this case is defined.
- plugin-init.wgacs: This is a special initial dataset that is only being used for initializing the content stores of OpenWGA plugins. That way the initial dataset of applications using the plugin as design provider and the plugin itself may differ.
When an empty content store gets connected to an OpenWGA application using your design it will be filled with your initial data set automatically. You can see this process in the application log which should look like this:
09.11.2010 12:01:59 INFO Importing initial data for empty database 'inittest'
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Content Store Dump Importer starting
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Source database: WGA Content Store Initial data dump
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Target database: inittest
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Cloning languages...
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Cloning language 'de'
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Cloning language 'en'
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Finished cloning languages
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Cloning content types...
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Cloning content type 'artikel'
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Cloning content type 'home'
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Cloning content type 'standard'
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Cloning content type 'texteingabe mit abschnitten'
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Finished cloning content types
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Cloning areas, struct entries and contents...
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Cloning area 'home'
09.11.2010 12:02:04 INFO Cloning struct entry 'owee-5aegzr'
09.11.2010 12:02:05 INFO Cloning content ''
09.11.2010 12:02:05 INFO Cloning content ''
09.11.2010 12:02:05 INFO Cloning content ''
09.11.2010 12:02:05 INFO Cloning content 'owee-5aegzr.en.10'
09.11.2010 12:02:05 INFO Cloning content ''
09.11.2010 12:02:06 INFO Cloning content ''
09.11.2010 12:02:06 INFO Cloning content ''
09.11.2010 12:02:06 INFO Cloning content ''
09.11.2010 12:02:06 INFO Cloning content ''