OpenWGA 7.3 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features

Design and development » Design configuration » Tab "Design Configuration"

Section "Libraries"

This section allows an OpenWGA design to add Java JAR libraries to the OpenWGA classpath. The Java classes provided here are usable in may ways, for example via TMLScript, as OpenWGA scheduler jobs, WebTML elements or encoders etc.

To add a JAR library here just click the "add..." button. The library will be copied to the system file container of the design under subfolder "/files/system". Vice versa you can click "remove..." to remove any JAR library already added.

The checkbox "Prevent reloading of java libraries", which is off by default, may be checked if these libraries, or rather the classloader loading them, may not be automatically rebuilt while OpenWGA server is running. The OpenWGA classpath is rebuilt on various occasions, for example when an OpenWGA plugin is added or an OpenWGA application reconnected. This may pose problems to some classes that store state in a static way as this will result in re-initialisation of that state. Check this setting to let OpenWGA keep the class loader for your libraries while OpenWGA classpath is rebuilt, so this state is also kept. A drawback of this setting is that your libraries will not get updated for an existing OpenWGA server runtime, even if you add, replace or remove JARs.