OpenWGA 7.3 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags<tml:metadata>
Description :
This WebTML tag reads diverse metadata fields from the current WebTML execution context. This may be metadata fields of the current context document, the current application, the logged in user or the current request.
See the available metadata fields in the WebTML metadata reference.
Provide the type you want to retrieve via attribute "type". Omitting it will use the type "content".
There are some additional types that do not read "classical" WebTML metadata, named "system" (for Java system variables) and "taginfo" (for WebTML tag information).
Derived from:
See the available metadata fields in the WebTML metadata reference.
Provide the type you want to retrieve via attribute "type". Omitting it will use the type "content".
There are some additional types that do not read "classical" WebTML metadata, named "system" (for Java system variables) and "taginfo" (for WebTML tag information).
show inherited attributes ... | |||
Name | Value(s) | Purpose | |
name | metadata-name |
Name of the metadata field to retrieve |
sourcetag | tag-id |
Specifies on type="taginfo" the id of the WebTML tag from which to read information |
type="content | session | db | profile | request | response" | content|session|database|request | Reads metadata fields from the current WebTML environment | |
type="system" | system |
Reads Java system variables |
type="taginfo" | taginfo |
Reads a WebTML tag information field |
Simple example of retrieving the context document's title:
Retrieving the name of the current user:
Retrieving the absolute base URL to construct a URL to the OpenWGA admin client:
<tml:meta name="title"/>
Retrieving the name of the current user:
<tml:meta type="db" name="username"/>
Retrieving the absolute base URL to construct a URL to the OpenWGA admin client:
<a href="<tml:meta type="request" name="absolutewgaurl"/>/admin">OpenWGA admin client</a>