OpenWGA 7.11 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features

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The PostgreSQL database server is an relational database platform, especially common on Linux server systems, available under open source license.

OpenWGA is tested and guaranteed to work with PostgreSQL version 9 and above but might also work with earlier versions.


In order to communicate with the PostgreSQL database server OpenWGA needs the PostgreSQL JDBC driver in an appropriate version for the server version that is used. Put the JDBC driver JAR files into the classpath of your application server:

  • When you have installed OpenWGA via official debian packages or linux installer just put driver files into the folder "/var/lib/openwga/tomcat/lib"
  • If you used the official linux installer you can put them into "/opt/tomcat/lib"
  • In OpenWGA Developer Studio just open the configuration of your runtime project by double-clicking the file "runtime.xml", go to register "configuration" and add the files there in section "Tomcat Libraries".

You will need to restart the OpenWGA server for the driver to become available.