OpenWGA 7.11 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features
Design and development » TMLScriptBasic data types
The basic data types of TMLScript are generally the same of JavaScript, having objects of type String, Number and Boolean.
There is one exception though: The object Date. While TMLScript knows the JavaScript Date object (instantiable viw "new Date()") its use is discouraged for the following reasons:
- It is not recognized as a date value when stored to an OpenWGA content store, therefor its date information is not usable in database queries
- It does not work with the methods of the base objects in OpenWGA
- Missing localisation support
Instead TMLScript uses the Date object from Java to represent date values. There are several convenience methods to work with it:
- WGA.createDate() to create date objects, initialized with the current time
- WGA.parseDate() parses out a date value from a string in a given format
- WGA.createCalendar() creates a calendar object which is used to modify date values in a controlled manner
- WGA.format() puts out a date value as a string in a given format
It is possible to convert the JavaScript types String, Number and Boolean to the corresponding Java classes. This may be helpful if you need a method that only the Java pendant of the data type provides. Use method WGA.javaObject() to do this.
The following example converts a JavaScript string to a Java string in order to use the method "trim()" on it, which is not available on the JavaScript string:
javaObject(" A String to be trimmed ").trim()