OpenWGA 7.11 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features
Content Stores » Structure » DocumentsDocument types
A normal OpenWGA content store may contain eight different document types. These types can be ordered into three categories:

The following chapters will describe the available document types in detail. Some words about the information available there:
The type name identifies the normal title of the document name. Following this is the internal type name, which is used to build the document key, in brackets.
The purpose describes exactly that, what purpose documents of this type has in the OpenWGA content store.
The section keys describe the composition of access and document key for this type. Terms written in italic represent metadata fields used to build those keys.
The section relations to other documents identifies direct relations that documents of this type typically have to other documents. If the relation is marked as "inverse" then it is built up "from the other side", i.e. the far document holds a relation to this document type.
Optionally there is a section optional features describing special behaviours of the given document type, like storage of items or file attachments.
Finally the table metadata fields identifies the fields of this type that are mandatory for each document of this type. It shows name, data type, contents and optional roles that a field may serve:
- Data documents contain the actual content data and organize it in a page hierarchy
- Schema documents are supporting documents for classifying the content data
- Design documents may contain an database-internal design for an OpenWGA application

The following chapters will describe the available document types in detail. Some words about the information available there:
The type name identifies the normal title of the document name. Following this is the internal type name, which is used to build the document key, in brackets.
The purpose describes exactly that, what purpose documents of this type has in the OpenWGA content store.
The section keys describe the composition of access and document key for this type. Terms written in italic represent metadata fields used to build those keys.
The section relations to other documents identifies direct relations that documents of this type typically have to other documents. If the relation is marked as "inverse" then it is built up "from the other side", i.e. the far document holds a relation to this document type.
Optionally there is a section optional features describing special behaviours of the given document type, like storage of items or file attachments.
Finally the table metadata fields identifies the fields of this type that are mandatory for each document of this type. It shows name, data type, contents and optional roles that a field may serve:
- The role access identifies the field as a part of the access key of the document
- The role key identifies the field as some other kind of unique key of the document
- The role foreign identifies the field as a foreign key, pointing to another document that is in relation to it
- The role authorisation identifies a field that contains access restrictions for this document or for documents standing in relation to it