OpenWGA 7.11 - TMLScript reference

Method :

highlightMeta(name, prefix, suffix [, encode])

On object Lucene
Usage Returns a metadata field of the current context document, highlighting found terms of the last lucene search
Description This is a TMLScript way to put out metadata fields of a lucene search result while highlighting the found terms. 

Additionally it allows to encode the item before the highlighting prefix and suffix are applied.

This method will only work when the document of the chosen context was directly retrieved from a lucene search result.
Parameters name (String):
Name of the metadata field to return

prefix (String):
HTML code that is added before each found lucene term

suffix (String):
HTML code that is added after each found lucene term

encode (String, optional):
A WebTML encoding in which the metadata text is encoded before the prefix and suffixes are applied. Accepts alle encodings that are available to the OpenWGA runtime