OpenWGA 7.11 - Query languages reference
hql / fullhqlObject "contentItem"
Represents an item on a content document, retrievable vial list property content.items['itemname'].
Property | Type of contents | Contents |
boolean | Number (0 or 1) | Boolean value of the item, represented as numeric 1 and 0, if it is of type boolean |
date | Date | Date value of the item if it is of type date |
name | Text | Name of the item in lowercase |
number | Number | Number value of the item if it is of type number |
parentcontent | Object of type "content" | The content document to which this item belongs |
text | Text | Text value of the item if it is of type text |
type | Number |
Data type of the item 1 - Text 2 - Number 3 - Date 4 - Serialized object (Castor-type) 5 - Serialized object (XStream-type) 6 - Boolean |