OpenWGA 7.11 - WebTML reference

WebTML metadata

Metadata of type="profile"

These metadata fields retrieve their data from the personalisation profile of the current browser user. They are only available when the user currently owns a profile.

Some of these fields retrieve statistical data from the profile like number of sessions, hits etc. While these fields are always retrievable they may not be filled with valid data when the application is not configured to collect these statistics. This is determined by optional publishing setting "Personalisation statistics" on the individual web application.

The column "statistics mode" shows what statistics must be collected for the field to contain valid data.

Name Contents Data type Statistics mode
client User agent string of the users last used browser String Session
hits Number of all page impressions Number Request
languages Languages accepted by the users last used browser List of Strings Session
lastaccess Date/time of last access Date Request
lastip Client IP address of the last session String Session
lastsessiondate Start date/time of the current browser session Date Session
lastsessionhits Number of page impressions of the current browser session Number Session
lastsessionid ID of the current browser session String Session
login Last used database login String Session
name Unique name of the profile String  
prevsessiondate Start date/time of the previous browser session Date Session
prevsessionhits Number of page impressions of the previous browser session Number Request
prevsessionid ID of the previous browser session String Session
sessions Number of all browser sessions Number Session
type Type of profile, i.e. mode of creation:
1 - Created in automatic mode
2 - Created in custom mode via TMLScript
3 - Created in login mode