OpenWGA 7.10 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features
Design and development » Customizable application designs » Customizing designsDowngrading an overlay resource to its original version
Sometimes after modifying an overlay resource you might want to restore its original version again that came from the base design.
OpenWGA supports this workflow by a function that restores original versions of all modified overlay resources in the form of conflict files (already known from chapter Using updated base plugins with customized designs).
Do the following:
- In your OpenWGA developer studio start the runtime where you develop the customization directory.
- Open the configuration of your web app in the OpenWGA admin client of your started runtime.
- On the section "Design configuration" there is a "Design" actions menu to the right. There you find a menu item "Recreate original overlay files".
- Confirm the action in the following dialog by clicking the button "Create overlay files .... ".
- In OpenWGA developer studio do a right-click on your runtime project and choose menu point "Refresh", so the studio picks up the created files.
Note again that this will NOT overwrite any of your existing overlay resources in the customization directory as all original versions will be recreated as conflict files having "ovlconflict" in their name.
Now you can use the Conflict resolution editor described in Using updated base plugins with customized designs to compare the base versions with your current versions, take over those original versions that you want to restore and just resolve those conflicts where you want to keep your current state.